Nathaniel Russell is an interdisciplinary artist and musician: prints, music, drawings, paintings, murals, sculpture, posters, books and illustrations. Born and raised in Indiana, he spent several years in the San Francisco Bay Area after college. After returning to his hometown of Indianapolis, he spends his time creating drawings, fake flyers, sculptures and music. Russell's work is regularly exhibited around the world in both traditional galleries and informal spaces. Russell's art is both direct and subtle, working with language and graphic elements to create memorable images and stories that can be humorous or deeply sad. Russell is also involved in numerous collaborations and projects including murals, printmaking workshops and backyard music performances.

Nathaniel Russell's Art at MAD.KAT Gallery ​​​​​​​
Nathaniel Russell, , 31" x 44" (Matted and Framed), Woodcut, 2018, $2000
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