Jeb Loy Nichols
Jeb Loy Nichols is an artist, musician and writer, who, though born in America, has lived for over 20 years on a remote small holding in Wales. He has released 14 solo records, had three novels published and has exhibited his artwork worldwide. When he was 17 he moved to New York where he immersed himself in emerging hip-hop culture. From there he went to London; from there to Wales. In 2010 Rolling Stone called him “The high priest of country cool.” His second novel Suzanne and Gertrude, was awarded a Pushcart Fiction Prize in 2019. In 2021 Gilles Peterson (BBC) said, “Unearthed mine full of gems from inner Wales - a songbook of ideas - that's Jeb!” He continues to write, produce art, make music, and plant trees.